This report analyzes how Montana’s Medicaid expansion has affected the health and economy of Native American communities in our state. Key findings include:

  • Uninsurance rates declined from roughly 40% to 20%
  • Between 2015 and 2019, Native American mortality rates improved by roughly 1.4% in Montana, in contrast with non-expansion states in which Native American mortality increased slightly.
  • Tribal and urban Indian health care leaders reported that Medicaid expansion allowed them to add new services, add more providers, extend office hours, and decrease wait times for care.
  • Unemployment rates plummeted by 46% in counties that overlap with reservations – more than double the median decline in non-reservation counties.
  • The share of households with medical debt in reservation counties declined from 33% to 10%.

The Montana Healthcare Foundation commissioned the report, which was produced by ABMJ Consulting. In partnership with the tribes, we also developed fact sheets that show how Medicaid expansion impacts each tribe in Montana.

Report Summary One-Pager
