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Published Year: 2025

How American Indian People in Montana Receive Health Care

American Indian people in Montana receive health care through a mix of federal, tribal, and private providers. This explainer covers the basics.

Economic Effects of Medicaid Expansion on American Indians Report & Tribal Fact Sheets

This report analyzes how Montana’s Medicaid expansion has affected the health and economy of Native American communities in our state. Key findings include: Uninsurance rates declined from roughly 40% to 20% Between 2015 and 2019, Native American mortality rates improved by roughly 1.4% in Montana, in contrast with non-expansion states in which Native American mortality increased … Continued

2025 Annual Report: Medicaid in Montana

This fifth annual report on Montana Medicaid evaluates the performance of Medicaid expansion, focusing on its impact on the health care system, state budget, and health outcomes. Key findings include: Medicaid expansion has had a substantial impact on the health care system, particularly in rural areas. In a survey of 27 Montana critical access hospitals, … Continued

2025 Report: Medicaid Expansion Economic Effects

This updated economic analysis of Medicaid expansion in Montana finds it continues to support economic activity and improve health without depressing labor force participation or burdening the state budget. Key findings include: Medicaid expansion creates 5,600 to 8,000 jobs and generates $350 to $560 million in personal income throughout Montana’s economy annually. Medicaid expansion does … Continued

Ending Medicaid Expansion: Effects on the Individual Market

This actuarial analysis looks at the potential effects of ending Medicaid expansion on the individual market. It also addresses qualitative considerations of how ending Medicaid expansion might affect provider revenue, state economic conditions, and access for low-income Montanans. Key findings include: Should Medicaid expansion be allowed to sunset in 2025, an estimated 54,000 to 74,000 … Continued