The City of Missoula, Office of Housing and Community Development 2019
Missoula FUSE Supportive Housing
The Missoula Supportive Housing Collaborative used this grant to develop and implement a three-phase approach to provide housing, care coordination, and wrap-around support to people who are homeless and frequently use high-cost medical services. The approach includes housing sites scattered throughout Missoula that provide mobile services, clustered housing units with both onsite and mobile services, and a standalone facility that incorporates a medical clinic with a wide array of medical, behavioral health, and supportive services. Members of the coalition working on this project include St. Patrick Hospital, Partnership Health Center (PHC), Open Aid Alliance (OAA), the Poverello Center, and the Missoula Housing Authority. Cornerstone Apartments, the first physical unit developed for this population, opened last year and houses seven previously homeless people. Trinity Apartments will open in 2023 with 202 units, 30 of which will be permanent supportive housing for this population. The project is still working on the integrated services component, but OAA is currently providing services to Cornerstone residents. PHC has hired a tenancy support specialist and will hire a Native American peer support specialist. The Missoula Coordinated Entry System (MCES) gathers data from a variety of agencies to identify those in need of support. Despite the challenges of having an overwhelming number of eligible clients to house along with a scarcity of housing options, this project serves as a model for other communities throughout Montana.