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Published Year: 2019

Strengthening Montana’s Public Health System

This study takes an in-depth look at Montana’s public health system and gives recommendations for strengthening it. The study is the result of a year-long project by the National Network of Public Health Institutes and Population Health Partners. It is the culmination of over 50,000 miles of travel, three regional roundtable discussions, and many interviews, meetings, … Continued

Resource Guide: Promising THIP Programs

This resource guide was created to help tribes in planning and implementing Tiers 2 and 3 of the Montana Medicaid Tribal Health Improvement Program (THIP). At the request of the American Indian Health Leaders, the Montana Healthcare Foundation worked with Dr. Bruce Goldberg and Mary Dalton to review promising programs that are being used successfully … Continued

Montana Business Case for a Supportive Housing Benefit

This report presents the business case for creating a Medicaid benefit to cover supportive housing services for beneficiaries who are experiencing homelessness and have high healthcare service costs. The report was commissioned by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Montana Healthcare Foundation and was conducted by the Corporation for Supportive … Continued

Montana Medicaid Supportive Housing Services Crosswalk

Recognizing the positive impacts supportive housing can have on individuals’ health and well-being, housing stability, and healthcare utilization, this report examines the extent to which supportive housing services align with existing benefits covered by Montana’s Medicaid program. The report was commissioned by the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services and the Montana Healthcare … Continued

2019 Report: Health Coverage & Montana’s Uninsured

This report looks at the rate of Montana’s uninsured for 2019. Approximately 980,000 Montanans had health coverage in 2019 (out of a total population of 1 million), resulting in an estimated uninsured rate of 8.6%. This report was commissioned by MHCF and completed by Christina Lechner Goe, J.D.

GWU Report: Medicaid Work Requirements Update

This report found that as many as 50,000 to 56,000 low-income people in Montana could lose health coverage under HB658 (introduced on Mar 12, 2019) to reauthorize Montana’s Medicaid expansion and impose new work and reporting requirements on recipients. The new report updates a previous in-depth analysis released on Feb 13, 2019, that looked at … Continued

GWU Report: Medicaid Work Requirements

This analysis found that an estimated 26,000 to 36,000 Montanans with low income could lose Medicaid coverage this proposed bill to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients. The report was commissioned by MTHF, and completed by researchers at George Washington University’s Milken Institute School of Public Health.

SSRS Survey: Medicaid Expansion Analysis

This survey analysis summarizes the 2018 survey results of the Montana Medicaid expansion enrollees. The survey assessed member’s access to health care services and their health status prior to and after enrolling in the Medicaid expansion. The survey analysis found that Medicaid expansion is reducing financial barriers and improving access to essential health services in … Continued

2019 Report: Medicaid Expansion Economic Effects

According to this report, Montana’s Medicaid expansion has introduced more than $600 million each year into Montana’s economy, generating approximately 6,000 new jobs and $350 million per year in personal income. Although Montana pays for a share of this coverage, the study also found that savings created by the program, along with state revenue generated … Continued

Bringing Treatment Courts to Scale in Montana

This study was completed by NPC Research, an independent, nationally recognized research firm headquartered in Portland, Oregon, at the request of the Montana Supreme Court and the Montana Healthcare Foundation (who funded the report). The purpose of this study was to respond to current attention on substance use disorders as a key health challenge in Montana, and the … Continued