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Type: Report

Economic Effects of Medicaid Expansion on American Indians Report & Tribal Fact Sheets

This report analyzes how Montana’s Medicaid expansion has affected the health and economy of Native American communities in our state. Key findings include: Uninsurance rates declined from roughly 40% to 20% Between 2015 and 2019, Native American mortality rates improved by roughly 1.4% in Montana, in contrast with non-expansion states in which Native American mortality increased … Continued

2025 Annual Report: Medicaid in Montana

This fifth annual report on Montana Medicaid evaluates the performance of Medicaid expansion, focusing on its impact on the health care system, state budget, and health outcomes. Key findings include: Medicaid expansion has had a substantial impact on the health care system, particularly in rural areas. In a survey of 27 Montana critical access hospitals, … Continued

2025 Report: Medicaid Expansion Economic Effects

This updated economic analysis of Medicaid expansion in Montana finds it continues to support economic activity and improve health without depressing labor force participation or burdening the state budget. Key findings include: Medicaid expansion creates 5,600 to 8,000 jobs and generates $350 to $560 million in personal income throughout Montana’s economy annually. Medicaid expansion does … Continued

Ending Medicaid Expansion: Effects on the Individual Market

This actuarial analysis looks at the potential effects of ending Medicaid expansion on the individual market. It also addresses qualitative considerations of how ending Medicaid expansion might affect provider revenue, state economic conditions, and access for low-income Montanans. Key findings include: Should Medicaid expansion be allowed to sunset in 2025, an estimated 54,000 to 74,000 … Continued

What Losing Medicaid Expansion Could Mean for Montana

Since Montana’s HELP Act expanded Medicaid coverage to adults with low income in 2016, Medicaid expansion has impacted all Montanans – through benefits to the state budget, new health care services in communities across the state, new jobs and personal income, and better health for enrollees. This report considers the risks to the state’s budget … Continued

Montana Medicaid Background Report

This background report provides an overview of Montana’s Medicaid program. It describes who is eligible, their health care needs, and how Medicaid coverage helps enrollees address those needs. It also details how the program is structured and administered in Montana and its federal and state funding sources. The report was commissioned by the Montana Healthcare … Continued

2024 Annual Report: Medicaid in Montana

This fourth annual report on Montana Medicaid shows consistent improvement in health coverage, access to services, health outcomes, and reduction in costs for enrollees. Montana Medicaid provides health care coverage to nearly 300,000 Montanans with low income, including children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, and adults. We produce the Medicaid in Montana annual report to … Continued

BBER Report: Impacts of a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

This economic impact report, produced by the University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER), considers the potential economic impact of a state low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC).  The report highlights the opportunity to use a state of Montana LIHTC program to leverage currently underutilized federal LIHTC resources and related private investment to … Continued

GWU Report: End of Continuous Medicaid Enrollment

This report by The George Washington University offers recommendations for minimizing coverage loss for people enrolled in Medicaid as Montana implements new state and federal policies in the coming year. The report estimates that roughly 71,000 Montanans could lose coverage by January 2024 and offers recommendations to minimize coverage loss among people eligible for Medicaid. … Continued

2023 Annual Report: Medicaid in Montana

This new report on Montana Medicaid finds a decrease in ER visits, hospitalizations, and associated costs with each year of enrollment in Medicaid expansion. This third annual report on Medicaid in Montana also showed that with these better health outcomes, the health care costs for expansion enrollees declined each year they had coverage – and … Continued